COVID-19 has claimed the lives of over 500,000 Americans and over 46,000 New Yorkers. We are dealing with one of the worst crisis's our nation has ever faced. Our state and nation must do better to handle this crisis.
Dustin supports the current mask mandate in place in New York. Wearing a mask is a simple yet effective way of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and shows your fellow citizens you care about them.
Dustin supports efforts to increase vaccine production and distribution. Dustin knows the vaccine is a major part fighting this pandemic. Getting the vaccine should be easy, fast and free.
Businesses, especially small and local ones, have been hit hard by this pandemic. Dustin has seen it first hand, Dustin's father owns a local business that has been hit hard by the pandemic. Dustin supports an economic stimulus bill to be passed by Congress to support economic relief for our local businesses. America was founded on the idea that anyone could make it here. Letting small businesses die because of COVID insults this principle. We also must pass meaningful tax laws that provide cuts for small business owners.
Dustin supports the current mask mandate in place in New York. Wearing a mask is a simple yet effective way of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and shows your fellow citizens you care about them.
Dustin supports efforts to increase vaccine production and distribution. Dustin knows the vaccine is a major part fighting this pandemic. Getting the vaccine should be easy, fast and free.
Businesses, especially small and local ones, have been hit hard by this pandemic. Dustin has seen it first hand, Dustin's father owns a local business that has been hit hard by the pandemic. Dustin supports an economic stimulus bill to be passed by Congress to support economic relief for our local businesses. America was founded on the idea that anyone could make it here. Letting small businesses die because of COVID insults this principle. We also must pass meaningful tax laws that provide cuts for small business owners.
Dustin believes in a progressive income tax. He believes people should pay taxes according to their income and ability. He wants every citizen to be aware of what their tax dollars go to and wants citizens to be able to see an actual breakdown of what their taxes went to. He opposes tax cuts for the wealthy and supports a stronger tax on Wall Street. Dustin supports tax cuts for small businesses and on the lower and middle class. Dustin also supports tax cuts for parents and for college students.
Dustin supports an audit of all state wide programs to examine their effectiveness and how well they are spending our tax money. Dustin believes if we can identify those programs that are wasting money, we can divert that money back to your pockets.
Dustin supports an audit of all state wide programs to examine their effectiveness and how well they are spending our tax money. Dustin believes if we can identify those programs that are wasting money, we can divert that money back to your pockets.
Dustin believes in full single payer universal health care system for all citizens. He wants to ensure no citizen goes into debt for a doctor's visit. Health care is a right, not a privilege. Dustin supports Medicare for All and efforts to reduce drug prices. Nobody should go broke or into debt for their healthcare.
Dustin supports reproductive health care and affordable access to it including birth control and abortion.
Dustin believes addiction is a health concern, not a crime. He wants to treat drug addicts as victims, not criminals. He wants to stop locking up drug users and instead help them get and stay sober.
Dustin wants to see an increased focus on mental health care. Many New Yorkers suffer from mental illness and they deserve help. During this epidemic, we are seeing an increase in suicide and mental health cases. We need to tackle these issues. We must erase the stigma that is attached to mental health problems and work to ensure our state is equipped to handle such cases.
Dustin supports reproductive health care and affordable access to it including birth control and abortion.
Dustin believes addiction is a health concern, not a crime. He wants to treat drug addicts as victims, not criminals. He wants to stop locking up drug users and instead help them get and stay sober.
Dustin wants to see an increased focus on mental health care. Many New Yorkers suffer from mental illness and they deserve help. During this epidemic, we are seeing an increase in suicide and mental health cases. We need to tackle these issues. We must erase the stigma that is attached to mental health problems and work to ensure our state is equipped to handle such cases.
Dustin knows that this country is a melting pot of culture and backgrounds and believes immigrants make this country stronger. New York has always been a home to new immigrants and Dustin wants to continue that trend and keep New York an accepting place of all nationalities. He wants to ease the immigration process and remove gridlock in our system. He wants to ensure those who properly apply for immigration get a fair chance. He believes the US should lead by example and provide a safe home for migrants and people seeking political asylum. He wants a strong background check program for migrants to ensure the safety of all Americans. Dustin supports DACA.
Social Issues
Dustin is a long supporter and member of the LGBTQ+ community. Dustin wants to ensure equal rights and protection for all. New York is a beacon of hope for LGBTQ+ people, and Dustin will fight to ensure it stays that way. Dustin will push for strong anti-discrimination laws and protections for our LGBTQ+ New Yorkers.
Dustin is a major supporter of a reproductive rights. He believes in "a person's body, a person's choice". He wants to ensure there are the least restrictions against abortion. He also wants to ensure birth control is available and at low cost to citizens. Dustin also supports a comprehensive approach to sex education in our schools. The more our young New Yorkers know and understand about sexual health, the better we will be. We can lower STD rates and the number of teen and unwanted pregnancies.
Dustin opposes the death penalty and does not support efforts to make it legal in New York.
Dustin does not support private prisons and wants to work to ensure prison reform. Dustin supports banning solidarity confinement due to the overwhelming evidence that it does more harm than good.
Dustin believes the war on drugs has been a failure and believes in the full legalization of marijuana. He also believes anyone currently in jail on minor drug charges should be released. This will save tax payers millions and allow the justice system to focus on serious criminals.
Dustin is a major supporter of a reproductive rights. He believes in "a person's body, a person's choice". He wants to ensure there are the least restrictions against abortion. He also wants to ensure birth control is available and at low cost to citizens. Dustin also supports a comprehensive approach to sex education in our schools. The more our young New Yorkers know and understand about sexual health, the better we will be. We can lower STD rates and the number of teen and unwanted pregnancies.
Dustin opposes the death penalty and does not support efforts to make it legal in New York.
Dustin does not support private prisons and wants to work to ensure prison reform. Dustin supports banning solidarity confinement due to the overwhelming evidence that it does more harm than good.
Dustin believes the war on drugs has been a failure and believes in the full legalization of marijuana. He also believes anyone currently in jail on minor drug charges should be released. This will save tax payers millions and allow the justice system to focus on serious criminals.
The Environment
Dustin believes climate change is not only real but a major threat to our state, nation and world. Dustin supports major measures in order to combat climate change including providing state funds to research, reducing CO2 emissions and giving tax relief to companies that go green.
Dustin supports the Paris Climate Accords
Dustin does not support fracking and believes it to be a danger to our environment.
Dustin supports the research of alternative fuel and wants to lower the use of coal and gas among American homes.
New York is home to some of the best public parks in the world. Dustin will fight for their funding.
Dustin supports the Paris Climate Accords
Dustin does not support fracking and believes it to be a danger to our environment.
Dustin supports the research of alternative fuel and wants to lower the use of coal and gas among American homes.
New York is home to some of the best public parks in the world. Dustin will fight for their funding.
New York is nothing without our infrastructure. Millions of people rely on our roads, buses, trains, subways, and ferries each and every day to get to work, school, stores, and restaurants. Dustin knows that New York infrastructure is overused and underfunded. Dustin wants to seek federal money and grants to get our infrastructure up to modern standards.
Dustin will work with the MTA and the Governor to ensure crucial projects are done on time and on or under budget. Dustin supports the East Side Access program and the full completion of the 2nd Avenue Subway the thousands of people who work on the East Side have an easy commute to their office.
Dustin will also work with officials in New Jersey and Connecticut to make sure the thousands of out of state commuters have an easy and affordable commute.
Dustin wants to work to make Long Island Rail Road tickets and Metrocards cheaper for New Yorkers who rely on these systems to get to work and school. As someone who commuted to the city for school, he knows first hand the price of commuting. A current monthly ticket for our district is $308. This is way too high a price to be paying, especially for inadequate service.
Dustin will work with the MTA and the Governor to ensure crucial projects are done on time and on or under budget. Dustin supports the East Side Access program and the full completion of the 2nd Avenue Subway the thousands of people who work on the East Side have an easy commute to their office.
Dustin will also work with officials in New Jersey and Connecticut to make sure the thousands of out of state commuters have an easy and affordable commute.
Dustin wants to work to make Long Island Rail Road tickets and Metrocards cheaper for New Yorkers who rely on these systems to get to work and school. As someone who commuted to the city for school, he knows first hand the price of commuting. A current monthly ticket for our district is $308. This is way too high a price to be paying, especially for inadequate service.
Dustin knows having educated citizens makes for a better country. He wants to change the approach to education and get rid of many tests students have to take. He believes heavy testing of students doesn't benefit them in the long run. He opposes common core and wants a more personalized program for every student depending on their needs and wants. He wants the arts and music to be increased in schools. He wants schools to be a place students look forward to, not dread. He wants to work to make sure students aren't being unnecessarily overly worked and stressed. Dustin also supports funding of art programs such as music and drama as these can have positive effect on our students lives.
Dustin wants to work to make our in-state public colleges affordable to anyone seeking higher education. A person shouldn't be forced into loans that will last them decades. Dustin also understands that college isn't the right choice for everyone. Dustin wants to help pass legislation that will make High Schools highlight trade schools as that is a better path for many people.
At this unique time we are living in, Dustin supports efforts to get children and teens back to in class learning. Dustin supports efforts to make schools safe for students to return. As someone who had to switch to online learning, Dustin knows it is not as effective as in person education. Dustin also knows we can not send students back if there is an increased risk of spreading COVID. Dustin will work with the Town of Hempstead Supervisor, the Nassau County Executive, and the Governor to ensure a plan to get our children back to school. Dustin will also listen to scientists, doctors and experts.
Dustin wants to work to make our in-state public colleges affordable to anyone seeking higher education. A person shouldn't be forced into loans that will last them decades. Dustin also understands that college isn't the right choice for everyone. Dustin wants to help pass legislation that will make High Schools highlight trade schools as that is a better path for many people.
At this unique time we are living in, Dustin supports efforts to get children and teens back to in class learning. Dustin supports efforts to make schools safe for students to return. As someone who had to switch to online learning, Dustin knows it is not as effective as in person education. Dustin also knows we can not send students back if there is an increased risk of spreading COVID. Dustin will work with the Town of Hempstead Supervisor, the Nassau County Executive, and the Governor to ensure a plan to get our children back to school. Dustin will also listen to scientists, doctors and experts.
Dustin wants to ensure small business owners have all the advantages we can give them. He wants to make small business loans more accessible and more affordable. He believes in lower taxes for small business owners. Mom and Pop stores are what make New York and this nation great.
Dustin wants an increase of taxes on business that send jobs overseas and tax cuts and breaks for business that bring manufacturing back to America. He does not believe in big bank bailouts and believes companies should be held responsible for their actions.
Dustin wants an increase of taxes on business that send jobs overseas and tax cuts and breaks for business that bring manufacturing back to America. He does not believe in big bank bailouts and believes companies should be held responsible for their actions.
The 2nd Amendment
Dustin acknowledges that Americans have a constitutional right to a firearm. Dustin supports the right. He believes every American has the right to obtain a gun license. He supports full background checks, waiting periods and gun safety courses. He wants to balance a citizens rights with public safety.
New York has some of the strictest gun laws in this nation. Dustin wants to reform these laws to ensure law abiding New Yorkers can obtain a handgun/shotgun more easily.
Hunting is an important part of many New Yorkers lives, especially those upstate. Hunting licenses should be easy to obtain.
Dustin supports the federal law that requires a 3 day waiting period. Dustin supports the NY SAFE Act.
New York has some of the strictest gun laws in this nation. Dustin wants to reform these laws to ensure law abiding New Yorkers can obtain a handgun/shotgun more easily.
Hunting is an important part of many New Yorkers lives, especially those upstate. Hunting licenses should be easy to obtain.
Dustin supports the federal law that requires a 3 day waiting period. Dustin supports the NY SAFE Act.
Foreign Policy
New York is a global place and we need to keep it that way. Businesses and organzations from around the world call New York home and they pay the salaries of many of our residents. Ensuring New York remains a place for them is a key step in protecting the jobs of many of us. Dustin will work to help keep foreign companies in New York.
The world is now a connected place, and Dustin wants the US to be a part of it. He supports the UN, NAFTA, and NATO and believes the EU is good for Europeans and America. He wants to ensure strong diplomatic relationships with our allies. Dustin believes the war in the middle east to be a failure and wants to bring our soldiers home. Dustin supports Israel as our main ally in the middle east but also wants to work to ensure Palestinians are treated fairly and hopes to work for a solution for the conflict.
The world is now a connected place, and Dustin wants the US to be a part of it. He supports the UN, NAFTA, and NATO and believes the EU is good for Europeans and America. He wants to ensure strong diplomatic relationships with our allies. Dustin believes the war in the middle east to be a failure and wants to bring our soldiers home. Dustin supports Israel as our main ally in the middle east but also wants to work to ensure Palestinians are treated fairly and hopes to work for a solution for the conflict.
Campaign and Government Reform
Dustin does not support the decision in the Citizens United case. Dustin want's the case overturned. Dustin believes in true transparency for elected officials.